Tues 9th  -  Sun 14th June 2015

Private View  -  Mon 8th June  (6.30pm - 8.30pm)

Scars of past histories that once created the feeling of isolation are now the shared experience that brings together the work of Anna Gahlin, Dawn Lippiatt and Emily West.

When I was growing up, certain phrases clung to my brain, such as: “No good at anything. Never have been, never will be” and “Can’t cry, won’t cry”. These internalisations, laid down for such a wide variety of reasons, become part of my persona. By now they have been worked through and recognised as belonging to the past, but they never wholly cease to be, and in the poet Marge Piercy’s words they can resurface as:

“……..wounds that bleed when you bump them and memories that get up in the night and pace in boots to and fro”

Recently I wrote down the various negative thought patterns that had dogged me and shared them with women friends who all responded with “but that was me”. This led me to think about the state of existential separation that so many young people go through.

These paintings of ice and isolation are a reminder.

Anna Gahlin      May 2015

What is the question that binds us?
What are the ghosts you carry?
What is the past inside the present?
Who would you be without it?