Edition 10

2024 Printmaking Open Call for Entries...

Theme: Voyage and Discovery

Enter 44AD artspace Printmaking Open Exhibition 2024.

The theme for this year is: Voyage and Discovery.

All 2D and 3D artwork submissions must explore at least one or more printmaking technique, and all work accepted must be ready to hang on submission.

Framed work to be presented in either black or white frames.

The entry limit for Edition 10 is four works per individual. There is no fee to submit work but there will be a £10 gallery hanging fee for the first artwork accepted into the show, plus a £5 fee for any additional hung artworks.

All gallery displayed work can be made available for sale, with 20% sales commission (10% for Associate Artists) going towards 44AD artspace.

If an artwork is selected for the exhibition, you will then be able to submit additional prints or cards for display in the gallery browsers. Additional browser displayed artworks will not require a gallery hanging fee, though the sales commission will be raised to 30% (20% for Associate Artists).

Please email a digital image of your submission/s to 44ADshow@gmail.com

It is important that you include your full name and medium of the work with your email.

Some dates to remember...

•   Deadline for all submissions is Sun 28th April 2024.

•   Accepted exhibitors will be contacted by Mon 29th April 2024.

•   Accepted work is to be brought to 44AD artspace on Mon 6th May 2024.

•   Edition 9 Private View will be held (6pm – 8pm) on Fri 10th May 2024.

•   Accessible collaborative print workshop on Sat 11th May 10am-11am - ground floor gallery.

•   Collaborative print workshop on Sun 12th May 1pm-4pm - basement gallery.

•   Party in the City (Live music event) will take place (6pm-7:30pm) on Fri 17th May 2024.

•   Edition 10 Exhibition will take place Sat 11th - Sat 18th May 2024.

Featured Artist: Alice Thomas

Alice is a multidisciplinary printmaker whose creative practice focuses on using the mediums of linocut, silkscreen and risograph printing.

Alice graduated from Bath Spa University in 2020 with a Graphic Communications degree, and was subsequently awarded a position on the inaugural EMERGE residency programme as one of their design residents.

During the EMERGE residency, Alice began to create a series of connected works under the title of ‘Growing Pains’.

Growing Pains was a theme that I’d wanted to investigate for some time, my inspiration came from a particularly peculiar time in my life, after I’d just graduated in the pandemic and I was unsure of my next moves both professionally and personally. I’d taken to downloading an astrology app, where the stars informed me that I was going to be experiencing some growing pains, and I thought to myself ‘well ain’t that the truth’. Since then, I’ve continued to add to this body of work, including a variety of prints and banners as well as a piece or two which I’ve yet to release. I see the project as never ending, as I will continue to experience growing pains throughout my life, and I look forward to connecting with others and seeing how they interpret the theme and also express their growing pains.

Workshops with Olivia Dawson and Edie Evans

Sat 11th May 10am-11am Accessible collaborative print workshop- ground floor gallery

Sun 12th May 1pm-4pm Collaborative print workshop - basement gallery

You are invited to join Olivia and Edie who will be running drop-in print and collage workshops at 44AD artspace, inspired by Alice Thomas’ Growing Pains printmaking series. These workshops will run as part of House of Imagination’s latest project Artists’ Network Development (AND), which provides active peer mentoring between 5 established artists and 10 emerging artists over the next year, working in 5 sites of learning to support their professional development as artist educators.